Bishkek to Almaty taxi price

The estimated price is 3,827 KGS, confirm price with provider directly
218.7 Km
5 hours and 29 minutes
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Bishkek to Almaty route map

This is the recommended route from Bishkek to Almaty in light traffic. Make sure to check traffic conditions when planning your trip.

Bishkek to Almaty taxi price - FAQ

How much is a taxi from Bishkek to Almaty?
A taxi from Bishkek to Almaty will cost about 3,827 KGS. The base price is 60.0 KGS and the price per KM is 17.5 KGS.
What’s the distance between Bishkek and Almaty?
The distance between Bishkek and Almaty is 218.7 Km. The duration of the trip is 5 hours and 29 minutes min in light traffic.
What other ways are there to get to Almaty?
If you can’t find a taxi to Almaty try other forms of public transportation like a bus or a train.
How do I calculate the taxi price Between Bishkek and Almaty?
Simply enter your starting point and destination at We’ll calculate the estimated price based on Bishkek prices and your specific route.
What’s the price of a Taxi in Bishkek?
The starting price of a taxi in Bishkek is 60.0 KGS. Each KM is then priced at 17.5 KGS. If you need the driver to wait for you this will cost 190.0 KGS per hour.
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